Science in the Schoolyard!
Get your students outside and see what animals and plants can be found in our inner-city environments! This program takes students outside, making scientific observations in the natural world, and submitting these observations to assist the work of professional scientists through citizen science apps.
This is a two part program: Green Calgary delivers the introductory program, and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) offers a practical, outdoor component.
The introductory program allows students to discover their local habitats and the species found there, needs of animals and food webs, animal lifecycles, and the impact we have on these species and how we can take action to help them!
There are three science in the schoolyard programs being offered:
Birds (grades 2,3 and 6)
Pollinators (grades 2,3 and 6)
Urban Wildlife (grades 7 & 9)
Please note that the grades shown above are recommended as the program links to the Alberta curriculum, however can be tailored to other age groups.
Delivery options:
In-person delivery
Part 1 delivered by Green Calgary (can be delivered in-school or virtually)
Part 2 delivered by CPAWS (we will coordinate this booking with CPAWS on your behalf).
Each program costs $200, or $300 in total if booking parts 1 and 2.
Teacher-delivery: Science in the Schoolyard Edu-Kit
Connect to nature through technology and inquiry. A curated collection of resources and 10 curriculum-linked lesson plans to bring science to life.
Choose your theme from birds, pollinators and urban wildlife.
Kits cost $200 for a 2-week rental (including delivery and pick-up)
For more information, contact our Green Kids Educator at or call 403.230.1443x227.
Curriculum connections:
Living systems: understanding of the living world, earth and space are deepened through investigating natural systems and their interactions.
Grade 2: how do plants and animals live and grow?
Grade 3: how do plants and animals interact?
Grade 6 science – trees and forests
Grade 7 science – interactions and ecosystems
Grade 9science – biological diversity